In 2016 I said, I can't do this anymore.
I felt like a robot, programmed to go through the motions of life. I hid my true self from the world and from the people in my life because I didn't think I could show them the multiple dimensions of who I am.

Only a few people saw the real me.
It felt like my dreams were being kept within borders and my true destiny, my most authentic life was out there, across the land and seas, waiting for me to step into it.
So, in 2017, I bought a one-way ticket to Panama City, Panama, and stepped into a brand new life.
It was like starting a new relationship. The first couple of months were the honeymoon stage. I was meeting new people, going to different events, and getting around with broken Spanish.

I even started taking Cuban salsa dance classes, which you can read more about here.
But, like many relationships, over time, you can feel frustrated and bogged down.
Eventually, the moment the rose-colored glasses get knocked off, you have to ask yourself whether you want this relationship to work or whether you want to end it.
For me, I was about to call it quits after one year in Panama City. It was fun, and random, one night I ended up with a Parrot on my head while drinking beers at a local bar.

The truth is, I was tired of the city. I had moved from one big city filled with skyscrapers and traffic, Los Angeles, to another, a metropolitan place, Panama City. This Central American country was also filled with the same inconveniences as Los Angeles, but everything was in Spanish.
I was over it.
Fortunately, I found an opportunity to move to a remote beach town in Panama called Playa Venao, which you can learn more about in this article.
This relationship started off in reverse. I hated it at first, then began to love it.
My ebook, "So You're Inspired, Now What," gives more insights into my experience living somewhat off the grid.
Living in Playa Venao was ultimately like living in paradise
And it eventually led me to move to Spain, where I've been for the past 5 years.
Now, I'm in a small city surrounded by mountains and natural parks, where my daily life consists of dance classes, walking up and down hills to run errands, and always seeing a friendly face.

I celebrated living 7 years abroad at the beginning of July 2024.
When I made the announcement on my Instagram story, some people asked me about my experience abroad.
Some of my favorite questions, along with their answers, were:
What was the deepest lesson I've learned about myself?
Every year, living abroad teaches me something new about myself. But one lesson that I'm continually learning is to trust myself.
How am I putting this into practice? Simple, I make a decision and don't look back. No matter the outcome, I know I'll figure it out.
Living abroad has become my new normal, and I often forget the work I've put into creating this life.
What place will I explore next?
I have quite a list, but I'm not in a rush. I've learned to let life take me where it wants me to go. With that being said, I hope that it takes me to
- The north of Spain
-Back to Portugal
- Back to Mexico
What do I miss about the United States?
Friends and family, I will always miss.
Specific snacks and junk food, yes
But what I miss the most is my life as an artist in the U.S.
Granted, the artist's life in the States is a challenge. Yet, art is a little more appreciated and accepted, especially in places such as Los Angeles and New York. In Spain, art is alive and well but not always valued similarly.
Living abroad has been a journey filled with ups and downs, but I wouldn't trade it for anything. Being an immigrant has shaped me in ways I never imagined, and I'm grateful for every moment.
Do you have any other questions? Feel free to comment below, and I'll be happy to answer them.
7 Things I've learned from living abroad for the past 7 years.
Patience is not a passive act. I put it into practice almost every day.
You really never know where life will take if you allow yourself to be open and try something new.
Money management is important, and having different sources of income is vital to help you stay afloat while living abroad.
Fear is important, but it shouldn't be in the driver's seat of your life.
We can't do life alone. I mean, we can, but it's depressing. Community is important for living and thriving.
Love yourself through every success and failure, at the end of the day you're all you've got.
Don't be afraid or ashamed to ask for help, whether from a professional, friend, or family member.
I can't wait to see where the next 7 years take me.
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Are you ready to move abroad, but your mind is filled with doubt?
Don't worry—I can help you out. Comment your questions below and I'll be happy to answer them.
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